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Proactive News

Camel or Unicorn?

A good while ago Craig and I decided that we would rather Proactive Despatch be a camel than a unicorn, please let me explain:

As a side note that camel would beat me hands down in a beauty competition, so i have no ego.

I like all of us I guess, have looked in awe at companies have appeared to have come out of nowhere and become massive (unicorns).

Some of these have remained that way, some have crashed and burned.

As a person i am quite risk averse and I really feel the responsibility of providing for my family and keeping a roof over our heads.

I also feel responsibility towards our team and suppliers to ensure we are sustainable.

A number of years back I went on a business growth course, at the end of the process we had to present how we were going to grow our business.

Craig and I decided our strategy would be to focus even more on good old fashioned customer experience.

The lady that ran the course said “you cannot grow a business just on a great customer experience”

You know what she may have a point, however

Our growth has been steady and manageable. Certainly not rapid,


We have a great steady team, four of which have been with me for 10 years.

We have won numerous CX awards for our service, whilst operating in an industry that rightfully, in most cases gets a bad press.

We always pay our suppliers on time, and we go to bed at night knowing we have delivered great service.

So back to the camel analogy:

Camels possess adaptability, patience, and the ability to navigate through challenging conditions, and are in in for the literally the long haul.

If you would like to work with a same day courier that is steady and dependable please be Proactive and reach out to us on 0333 003 0022.

We would love to demonstrate how steady we are!

Paul Woods – Managing Director