Proactive News

Stay upto date with our latest company updates, industry insights, and valuable information that will keep you informed and connected to the world of efficient and reliable deliveries.

Proactive not Reactive

Proactive not Reactive

At Proactive we actively look for things that might go wrong, and take Proactive action to stop it happening. This is why when things happen on the roads, like traffic jams and vehicle issues, we Proactively tell you rather than wait for you to call us and tell us...

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Happy 3 Years Abi!

Happy 3 Years Abi!

Abi has been with us three years today. Taking Abi on has been one of the best business decisions we ever made, in fact Craig Hyland and Paul...

Networking Groups

Networking Groups

A post from Paul Woods, Managing Director - 'Over the past few weeks I have joined two new networking groups, one being The Liverpool Network, the...

Our Customers Like Us!!

Our Customers Like Us!!

Our customers appear to like us, over the last three days we have received the below from three different customers: Customer One “Great experience...

17 Years Of Proactive!

17 Years Of Proactive!

Today marks the start of seventeen years in business for Proactive Despatch. As such we would like to take the opportunity to thank everybody who...

Proactive Handles Goods With Care

Proactive Handles Goods With Care

On the 2nd September Proactive Despatch is 17 years old! Where on earth did the time go? In that 17-year period we have probably only had to deal...

We Communicate!

We Communicate!

Yes Yes I know he is two hours late, but he is just around the corner honest………. I know, I know she is forty mins late, and I’m sorry we did not let...

Dictionary Definition of Proactive..

Dictionary Definition of Proactive..

The dictionary definition of Proactive is: To create and control a situation, rather than respond to it. At Proactive we actively look for things...

Record Week!

Record Week!

Our customers appear to like us 😊! Last week a record 122 different businesses used our service. We find it comforting that we have such a wide a...

“Sophie Morgans Fight to Fly”

“Sophie Morgans Fight to Fly”

A post from Paul Woods, Managing Director - Hi Folks, I would most grateful if you could share this post far and wide, comment and like, in fact...

Five Star Review!

Five Star Review!

What a way to start a Tuesday with another delighted customer, so PROUD of the service our team deliver day in day...

Happy 3 Years Abi!

Happy 3 Years Abi!

Abi has been with us three years today. Taking Abi on has been one of the best business decisions we ever made, in...

Networking Groups

Networking Groups

A post from Paul Woods, Managing Director - 'Over the past few weeks I have joined two new networking groups, one...

Our Customers Like Us!!

Our Customers Like Us!!

Our customers appear to like us, over the last three days we have received the below from three different customers:...

17 Years Of Proactive!

17 Years Of Proactive!

Today marks the start of seventeen years in business for Proactive Despatch. As such we would like to take the...

We Communicate!

We Communicate!

Yes Yes I know he is two hours late, but he is just around the corner honest………. I know, I know she is forty mins...

Record Week!

Record Week!

Our customers appear to like us 😊! Last week a record 122 different businesses used our service. We find it comforting...